Ayurvedic Foot Care & foot care tips

More than 70% of all people in the United States will have painful foot problems at some time during their lifetime. Do you take care of your feet as much as you use them? An ayurvedic foot care routine can reduce your chances of belonging to the unfortunate 70%.

Home Remedies for Hair Removal -women

We spend more time on our hair than on any other portion of our body. We do several procedures to make them look beautiful and healthy. Many of us have too little hair, others have too much in the wrong places. Ingrown hairs are also common around the upper, inner thigh.

Health and Beauty Glossary of Terms

A unique technique included in rub, which in turn emits has a muscle physique strain by making use of demand on the kinesiology tips, release blockages as well as allowing your electricity to flow widely. It is effective for any reduction involving tension in addition to worry.

How To Reduce Your Weight

Lot of women accumulate extra fat on their bellies first because belly is the easiest place for the body to store fat. Unwanted fat around your waist is harmful to your health, because tummy fat is metabolically active, it tends to release more fat into your blood stream, and increase the danger of heart attack and strokes. Tummy fat also makes it easy to store fat in your liver, resulting in insulin resistance, a diabetes symptom. For young women, belly fat will not just have a negative effect on their physical conditions, it makes them lose confidences, having a negative impact on their professional and personal life. 

How to lose Weight After Pregnancy -

As a new mom yourself, you know that one of the biggest concerns of women after pregnancy is How To Lose all that excessive weight gained during those nine months! f course, taking care of your newborn still takes a priority, but its always a good idea to realize that the earlier you start exercising and being conscious about staying fit, the better it would be for your post-partum recovery and attaining your pre-pregnancy weight. For some people, it might not be that important to look slim and sexy after being a mom, but nevertheless, it is always in everyone's best interests to maintain a healthy and fit body, so that you can enjoy motherhood even more, and stand up to its numerous challenges.

Keep a Weight Check even while Pregnant
Though being pregnant is one of the most lovely times in a woman's life, and one should indulge in as much of luxury as possible, its a good idea to stay healthy and keep a tab on your weight gain, especially during the first trimester. Women tend to think that pregnancy gives them as eat-all-you-want license, which mostly tends to accumulate a few extra pounds right at the beginning, and these are hard to melt away after you have your baby. So while recommend indulging in an icecream or a delicious dessert once a week, don't make it a habit during those nine months. Remember, you only need 300 more calories per day while you are pregnant, so get those calories from healthy food options like whole grains, fiber, proteins and cereals.

Try to Breastfeed if Possible
Though choosing to breastfeed is a matter of personal choice, we all know the benefits of this act. Besides providing the best nutrition for your baby, it also burns about 300 or more calories per day, and maintains a healthy metabolism. Besides this, it provides excellent way to bond with your baby, and it also gives you some time to stretch your legs, feed your baby and play with her all at the same time!

Get more Dairy in your Diet
Recent studies have shown that calcium-rich dairy products rev up the body's fat-burning ability and increase metabolism, while maintaining your lean muscle mass. Nutrition Institutes, has discovered that calcium-rich diets, when combined with some form of calorie-restriction and exercise, can actually accelerate weight loss. In one of Zemel's studies, low-fat yogurt eaters tripled fat loss in the stomach area -- the body part new moms are desperate to reclaim .

Interact with Your Kids and other New Moms
The fist advice doctors give new moms is to take their newborns out for long walks in their strollers! And yes, as good as it is for the tinytots, it is the beginning of a healthy exercise routine for the moms while they take time to recover from their delivery. It can get tiresome to tend to your child the whole time, especially in the first few weeks, and everyone can do with some time off. but if you do not have helpers or family, just try meeting some other new moms, arrange play-dates, and start going out to parks or walks with your newly found friends, kick-starting your fitness and weight-loss regimen.

Space Out your Meals & Drink Lots of Water
You do need to eat healthy and filling meals for healthy recovery. However, try to cut your portions into 6 meals a day, and never ever skip your breakfast. Keep whole grains, vegetables, fruits, wheat, low-carb foods and fluids as a major part of your diet. For fluids, nothing comes close to water; drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and stay away from Sodas, caffiene and sugar-laden fruit juices. If you consume more than 700 calories at one meal, you can get gassy, and it can actually slow your metabolism too.

How to Reduce Your Belly Fat

A flat belly does not come in one day. Continuous efforts are required and plenty of precautions are to be taken. At least this is what we hear from everyone around. So we have tried to make things simpler for those who want to get rid of belly fat as soon as possible.

Choice of Food
Obviously, you need to cut down on saturated fats and excess sugar completely. Switch to fat burning foods. These foods either increase the metabolism or help burn up the stored fats in the cells. For example, eggs contain vitamin B12 which helps in burning of fats stored in body cells.
Choose lean meats, foods rich in protein as well as fiber. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in their raw form as much as possible. Additionally, these will help in detoxification of the body.
Fat burning foods include banana, tomatoes, prunes, lemons, onions, green chilies, apple, watermelon, yogurt, honey, brinjal, fenugreek, spinach and berries.
Cooking oil contribute significantly to the belly fat. Thus, go for cooking oils that are rich in unsaturated fats. For example, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, mustard oil and soy cooking oil are good options.

In order to tone down your belly you need to do these simple exercises. Lie down flat on floor. Place hands parallel to your body. Slowly raise your legs above together, breath in.
Once the legs come at 90 degree to the rest of the body, fold them from the knees and wrap arms around them.
Press the legs against your abdomen. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Breathe in and out gently. Release your legs and lay straight. Do this 10 times daily.
Another exercise is done by lying down on the floor. Do bicycling by raising the legs above. Do this slowly. Women with weak ovaries should not do this exercise.
Doing push-ups is another good exercise of losing belly fat. Some people find it difficult to maintain their knees stable. A helping hand may be needed. Those with backache problem should not do push-ups.

Drinking extract of acacia or gooseberry early morning empty stomach helps in burning fat of the entire body. Drinking lemon juice in warm water with honey provides similar benefits.

How to keep your fingernails healthy and strong

Here's what you need to know to keep your fingernails in tiptop shape.

Take a close look at your nails. Are they strong and healthy looking? Or do you see ridges, dents, or areas of unusual color or shape? Many less than desirable nail conditions can be avoided through proper care, but some actually indicate an illness that requires attention.
Fingernails: What to look for

Anatomy of a healthy fingernail

Vertical nail ridges

Your nails — composed of laminated layers of a protein called keratin — grow from the area at the base of the nail under your cuticle. As new cells grow, older cells become hard and compacted and are eventually pushed out toward your fingertips.

Healthy nails are smooth, without ridges or grooves. They're uniform in color and consistency and free of spots or discoloration. Nails can develop harmless conditions, such as vertical ridges that run from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. Vertical ridges become more prominent with age. Nails can also develop white lines or spots due to injury, but these eventually grow out with the nail.

Not all nail conditions are normal, however. Some are signs of diseases that require medical attention. See your doctor if you notice these changes in your nails:
  • Yellow discoloration
  • Separation of your nail from the nail bed (onycholysis)
  • Indentations that run across your nails (Beau's lines)
  • Nail pitting
  • Opaque or white nails
  • Curled nails

Home Treatment for Nail Care

Keep your nails and hands well moisturized. Moisturizers containing collagen and vitamin E are especially good for the nails. They are most effective if put on after soaking your nails in warm water and patting dry.

File your nails in one direction only, not back and forth.
a Keep toenails clipped straight across, not curved or pointed, to avoid ingrown toenails. Also, do not clip toenails too short or clip them in at the sides.

Use a fine-textured emery board, not a metal nail file. Metal files are hard on the nails.

Moisturize and gently push back your cuticles. Do not cut them. a Do not manicure your nails too frequently or apply nail products too often.

If you have sensitive skin and nails, look for fragrance-free and formaldehyde-free polishes and non-acetone polish removers.

If you wear polish, let your nails go "bare" for a few days each month to let the air get to them.

Use protective cotton-lined vinyl gloves to wash dishes, work with cleansers, or work in the garden.

Never bite your nails. Do not use them as prying tools.

    Face massage

    Massage Technique

    You will need face cream, and a bowl of cold water.

    Remove your top so you can massage your neck as well, without getting cream all over your clothes.

    Wash your hands and cleanse your face.

    Sit back on a chair, and apply a generous amount of cream on your face and neck. Massage it gently into your skin.

    Take some cold water from the bowl, and apply it to your face as well. You could start from the neck. Lift your chin up and massage your neck using upward strokes.

    Then massage the area just under your skin. Use firm strokes. Start from the center, move your hands under your jaw, outwards to the ear. Do this around 20 times or more, depending on how much time you have, and then using small upward strokes, work the entire under-chin area from side to side.

    Massage the rest of your face, using upward and outward strokes, and circular motions. Keep reapplying water and cream on your face.

    Circle your eyes, pressing down on the temples.

    Similarly, use upward and outward strokes on your forehead.

    Make a V with two fingers of one hand and put it on your face. Using the index finger of the other hand, massage the skin inside the V area. Move this 'V' all around your face.

    Use quick, sharp slapping strokes on your cheeks. 'Slap' yourself for at least 2-3 minutes.

    Remember that your entire massage session should consist of upward and outward strokes. Never massage the skin on your face in a downward direction, because your constant endeavour is to fight gravity.

    In addition to a face massage, make sure you exercise regularly and drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.

    Some people may develop pimples after a massage. If you develop a few pimples, wait until the pimples go, and use another cream the next time.

    Wash your face with cold water after a massage.


    The secret of beauty, according to Ayurveda, is Ojas - the subtle quality of vigour or vitality, which is the superfine essence of the seven dhatus. If one stays healthy in body, mind and spirit, one's Ojas stay strong and this force creates a radiant inner self and a beautiful outer self.

    However, for enhancing physical beauty, Ayurveda recommends a number of time-honoured natural treatments.


    This treatment includes procedures like cleansing, massage, herbal steam, gentle scrub, nutrifiying packs, toning, rejuvenating and moisturizing. This is done with combination of ayurvedic herbs based on the constitution, and fresh fruits and vegetables according to skin types. This nourishes the skin by providing vitamins and minerals and rejuvenating the pores. The pack heals and lightens scars, evens out the color tone, soothes and moisturizes the skin and makes the skin soft and supple. It also stimulates the deepest layer of the skin to make healthy new growth.


    An exotic facial using fresh, natural beauty enhancing herbs like milk cream, curd, mint, honey, turmeric and various other ayurvedic herbs. The fresh herbs rejuvenate the skin and the aromas relax the mind. It also helps remove scars, improves the complexion and it soothes and moisturizes the skin.


    A complete facial procedure using a combination of ayurvedic herbs and the highly nourishing and detoxifying mud from the Dead Sea. The high mineral content of the mud is what makes it so effective in detoxifying and rejuvenating the skin by improving the flow of nutrients to the skin surface

    MORE NATURAL - smile

    Teeth are the most priced possession of our face and one dazzling smile showing white teeth is enough to get all the attention. Because of this and to look good many people and celebrities go for the teeth whitening.
    If your teeth are dull, yellow and stained then think of ayurvedic treatment that has no side affect and leads to the permanent whitening and strengthening of the teeth. Ayurvedic tips for teeth must be followed in routine to get the best teeth and forever. Also ayurvedic treatment will lead to the whole mouth care instead of just teeth.

    These days many teeth whitening treatments in the form of ayurvedic paste, herbs, tooth powder are available. But along with this by making some changes in the diet will also lead to the whitening of teeth and so come under ayurvedic tips for teeth.

    Popular Ayurvedic Herbs for Teeth Care

    Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)

    Since ages Indian have been using the neem or Margosa twig as a tooth brush to keep their teeth clean and strong. This is one of the best ayurvedic herbs known for curing any type dental problem. You can also apply neem oil as antiseptic against bad breath and microorganism.

    Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

    Brush your teeth with the powder made from the leaves of Holy Basil. To make this dry the leaves of this herb under the Sun and ground it. Whitening of teeth is one thing that can be achieved from the Holy Basil. But along with this pyorrhea (bleeding in gums) can also be treated with holy basil.

    Babul (Acacia arabica)

    As per ayurveda babul's importance in tooth care in incomparable. Use the twig of babul plant as a tooth brush just like neem and feel the freshness for the whole day. Tannin in babul will help in the whitening of teeth.

    Ayurvedic Tips for Teeth Care

    •  Mix mustard oil and salt. Apply this paste daily on your teeth with the help of your finger. This will cause the whitening and leads to the strengthening of your teeth.
    •  Make the paste of mustard oil and basil leaves. Daily brush your teeth with this. This is a very good ayurveda tips for teeth whitening.
    •  Rub your teeth with babul or neem twigs instead of brush in the morning. Rub these vigorously to remove any plaque.
    •  In diet make sure to have something bitter, astringent and pungent. This will not allow the plaque to accumulate on teeth that leads to many teeth problem.
    •  Eat less of chocolate and sugar content as sugar is harmful for teeth. If you are eating it then make sure to rinse your mouth properly so that no sugary content remains in your mouth and on teeth.
    •  Drink less tea and coffee to have white and strong teeth.
    •  Do not smoke.
    •  Do not eat paan or beetle leaf for long life of your teeth and yourself.

    Herbal protection of tooth and gums:

    Ayurveda suggests teeth as the subsidiary of bones. Teeth cavities and retreating gums secretly suggest the aggravation of vata in the skeletal system. To protect from a tooth decay traditional herbal
    medicines were introduced from the old days.

    Sesame seeds: Insufficiency of calcium causes tooth problems. Chewing of white sesame seeds that are rich in calcium every morning without brushing teeth prevents a number of teeth diseases. After chewing, teeth should be brushed without any toothpaste so that the sesame seeds’ residue is brushed every corner of the mouth thereby cleaning the teeth.

    Sesame oil: After taking a mouthful of warm sesame oil, we must swish it from one side of the mouth to the other for around three minutes without swallowing it. After sputtering out the oil, we must rub the gums softly with our index finger. This is an outstanding herbal defensive measure against receding gums, cavities and tooth decay

    Herbal Pack: A paste of two capsules of aloe with ¼ tsp of natural vitamin E
    and 1 tsp of turmeric powder should be covered into gauze and folded gently into a pack. This pack should be placed in between teeth and wall of gums and kept there overnight. Turmeric powder is good for gums but as it stains easily, whitening toothpaste is necessary after this treatment.

    Eucalyptus Oil: Since eucalyptus has many anti-bacterial properties, massage of gums with this oil helps in the overall development of the health of gums and teeth.

    Tree tea oil: Rinse the mouth with a mixture of dilute tree tea oil and a glass of water without swallowing the same. This is highly beneficial for the gums and teeth. Other than this, brushing the teeth with a few drops of tree tea oil and using a cotton mop up to apply some tree tea oil
    assist in the detaining of further teeth infection.

    Essential Oil bearing plants: Many essential oilbearing plants like
    peppermint, spearmint, fennel and cinnamon are useful in stimulating the
    blood flow to gums. These are also anti-bacterial in nature, hence
    helpful in checking tooth decay and diseased gums.

    Healthy Diet: The best way to stop tooth decay and gum desease is by eliminating
    any form of sugar in the diet. However, honey and fruit concentrate
    are also highly refined sugar products and should be avoided.
    Fresh seasonal fruits are the only best for a healthy tooth and gums.

    Besides these herbs, Echinacia, Baptisea, Krameria, Oak Galls are also useful
    herbs in treating tooth decay and gum infection.

    Best Eye Care Tips for You

    Eyes may be tough but they need to be cared for, particularly from exposure to dirt, dust, pollution and smoky atmosphere.

    Tips for healthy eyes
    • Get into the habit of starting the day by splashing your open eyes with cold water

      , so that they are thoroughly cleaned and stimulated.
    • Avoid using too much of eye drops, rather it is better to squeeze fresh cucumber juice into your eyes.
    • Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
    • Your sleep pattern should be composed of at least 7 hrs.
    • Make sure to remove all traces of eye make up before going to bed for it might cause infection in the roots of eyelashes.
    • Do rest your eyes at least every 30 minutes when you are reading, sewing, using a computer or the likes, by looking up and focussing at distant objects.
    • Make sure that your diet contains good sources of Vitamin A, such as cereals, celery, oily fish, egg yolk and liver. If your eyes are itchy, watery or bloodshot you could be lacking in Vitamin B2 which can be found in brewer's yeast, liver and whole grain cereals.
    • Do make sure that your computer and television screens are sharply focused.
    • Do not rub or stretch the skin under the eyes-it is very delicate and is easily damaged.
    • Don't read in poor light; the light should come from behind or above rather than from the front.
    • Don't look directly at the sun, as you might be tempted to do during an eclipse; even the darkened sun can cause severe and permanent damage. Similarly, avoid staring at any bright or glaring lights.
    • Don't read for more than two hours at a stretch. Give a rest in between to your eyes for 10 min by putting the palms of your hands over them and shutting out the light.
    • Do wear sunglasses when in bright sunlight.
    • While using beauty aids, use only herbal products or hypo-allergic beauty-aids. (Hypo allergic beauty aids are those products whose application doesn't cause any allergy.)
    • The skin around the eyes and eye-lids is very soft and delicate. Rubbing a little of almond oil, around your eyes before you retire, would keep the skin soft and glowing. The juice of a water-melon is also a very good substitute of almond oil, particularly in summers when you might like to avoid using greasy oil. This juice also takes away the wrinkles around the eyes.
    • If you are used to having alcohol. slash its consumption to the minimum. Alcohol not only adversely affects your eye-sight but also dries the skin, around your eyes, and leaves dark rings. The same is true for smoking

    Dark Circles - Natural eye care, removing dark circles
    • Grate 3 pieces of cucumber and squeeze them through a muslin cloth and extract the juice. Dip cotton pads in this juice for 2 minutes and place on eyelids and darkened areas. Relax for 15 minutes for best results continue for 2 to3 days.
    • Take 1 teaspoon of Tomato pulp,1 pinch of Turmeric powder, half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of gram flour. Make a paste of the above ingredients and apply gently on the eye lids and the darkened areas and let it remain for half an hour. Remove gently with moist cotton pads after half an hour. Repeat this for a week

    Deep Sunken Eyes - Herbal treatment
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the above mixture gently on the eyes at bedtime. Repeat this for a week.
    • Soak 5 Almonds overnight. Peel them and mix it with a glass of milk eat the almonds by chewing well. Repeat this in the morning for 21 days should definitely help.

    Puffy Eyes
    • Slice a raw Potato and circle the closed eyes with these halves. Or else grate a raw Potato and place on Muslin cloth and squeeze. Place these on the eyes and relax for 15-20 minutes.
    • Place cotton pads dipped in chilled milk before boiling on the eye lids while relaxing for 10-15 minutes.
    • In a small bowl of chilled water add few drops of Vitamin E oil. Dip cotton pads for 5 minutes in this and place on the eyes while relaxing for 20 minutes everyday.

    Eyecare Instructions for people using computers and computer professionals

    Spending long hours in front of television or computers is part of peoples life today. Especially if you are a computer professional, there is usually no escape from it. This causes many eyes and vision related problems in future. Here are some useful eye care tips for computer users.
    • After every 20 to 30 minutes of work, look at a distant away object and blink several times. This will help in better focusing
    • Blink frequently. People tend to reduce blink rate while working on computer. This can lead to dry eyes. Try to blink 12 to 15 times every minute.
    • Exercise you eyes at frequent intervals. Eye exercise is simple. All you need to do is just blink several times, then close your eyes and role them in clockwise and anti clockwise direction. While doing this, inhale and exhale slowly and open your eyes slowly after doing this.
    • Rub your palms against each other till them become warm. Cover your eyes with your warm palms for about a minute. Palming is another great way to relax and soothe your eyes.
    • Splashing water on you face during breaks can keep you refreshed. This also helps in cooling your eyes.
    • A few minutes of walk during breaks will refresh your body and mind. It is also good for your eyes as walking increases blood supply to your eyes.
    • Fix an anti glare screen on to your monitor or use anti glare glass while working on computers. Also position the monitor and lights in such a manner that glare from the screen is minimum.

    Simple exercises for improving eyes vision

    [ 1 ]SUN TREATMENT: Sit comfortably facing the sun with EYES CLOSED and sway the body gently from side to side like a pendulum for 5 minutes. Remember to keep the eyes closed and not open. Hot sun at noon should be avoided. Morning or evening is the best time for sun treatment. It should be stopped as soon as the sun causes discomfort.

    [ 2 ] EYE WASH: After the sun treatment, come to the shade and wash the eyes with cold water.

    [ 3 ] PALMING: Palming is a great relaxation for both the mind and the eyes. In palming, one should close and cover the eyes with the hollow of the palms, so as to shut off all light. Now a completely dark field will be observed before the eyes. After covering the eyes, imagine familiar things, thus, girls like to imagine dolls and boys a game of cricket. This helps to relax the eyes. Do this for 5 minutes.

      Tips For Beautiful Face

      Pimples have been the all-time problem of adolescent, teenager, and even adults. And though pimples are only temporary, the mere sight of them scattered all over your face is really unpleasant. But worry not. There are several easy to follow steps, procedures, and ways to get rid of pimples courtesy of the product available at your home.
      One of the best and certainly a very effective product to eliminate pimples is garlic. Garlic contains antibiotic properties that are proven safe and effective in treating pimples as well as acne. To use it: get whole garlic, mash it and apply it on the face with extra caution on the area rear the eyes. Let the garlic take effect for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm cloth.
      But if you don't want the smell of the garlic penetrating your nostril.

      Here are more home remedies to cure pimples:
      1. Combine 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply it to the affected area.
      2. Combine cinnamon powder with honey and form it into paste. Right before sleeping, apply the mixture to your face and wash it the next morning. Do this every night for about 2 weeks and you will no longer worry about pimples.
      3. Mixing grind nutmeg with milk will work to remove pimples instantly.
      4. Applying an orange peel paste on the area of your face with pimples is another effective way. The orange peel should become a paste by grinding it with little water.
      5. For additional protection from the formation of blackheads, combine 1 part fresh lime juice with 1 part groundnut oil. Apply the mixture to your face.
      6. Blend raw papaya fruit to create a juice. This includes the seed and the skin. Apply it on swelling pimples.
      7. Use boiled milk combined with fresh lime juice as facial wash for cracked skin, blackheads, and pimples.
      8. Combine 1 part of rose water to 1 part of lime juice and apply it in the pimples. Leave it for about 20-30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
      9. Apply on the affected area for at least 1 hour the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Wash it off with water.
      10. Potatoes grated and applied on affected area can cure pimples. It is also effective on curing boils, whiteheads, blackheads, and other skin blemishes.
      11. A powdered pomgranate skin & roasted paste mixed with lime juice can treat pimples effectively. This mixture could also treat whiteheads, blackheads, and boils.
      12. Ground radish seeds formed into paste and mixed with water remove blackheads.
      13. Mix lime juice with ground drumstick pods and leaves. Apply it on the pimples.
      14. Mint juice when applied on every evening can treat pimples as well. It also effective in treating scabies, insect stings, skin infections, and eczema.
      15. Combine ground sesame seeds paste with water. Apply it on the affected area. It is also effective in treating skin rashes and allergies.
      16. To prevent pimples, apply on the face mixture of fresh fenugreek leaves and water. Wash it on the next day with warm water.
      17. Mix an equal amount of groundnut oil and fresh lime juice. Apply it on the affected area. Wash it off after about 10-15 minutes. It also prevents blackheads.

      Use Facial Yoga to Create a Beautiful Look

      •  Work the eyelids. Lift your eyebrows and look up. Lower your upper eyelid and count until five. Repeat four times. Place your index and middle fingers over the corner of your eye. Apply pressure while opening and closing your eyes.
      • Reduce crow's feet. Keep your eyes open, raising your gaze toward the crown of your head. Use your index and middle fingers to apply pressure over the corner of your eyes. Try to lift your lower lid. Repeat 12 times.
      • Have sensual lips. Insert your thumbs under your upper lip and apply pressure with your fingers. Repeat 20 times. Place your index fingers under your lower lip and apply pressure against your teeth.
      • Smooth forehead. Rest all of your fingers, except your thumbs, over your forehead. Apply lower pressure, stretching your frontal muscle. Raise your eyebrows. Repeat 12 times.
      • Enhance your cheekbones and chin. Insert your thumbs in your mouth and apply outward pressure. Try to close your mouth. Place your hands over the corners of your lips and keep your mouth closed. Apply pressure with your palms.
      • Focus on the neck. Open your mouth wide so you can form a big "O" with your lips. Now pronounce an "X." You are stretching the muscles that are responsible for the flaccidity of your neck, while at the same time avoiding the appearance of a double-chin.

      Free natural skin whitening tips
      Oily dark skin lightener 
      Mix following natural ingredients 1 Tea spoon of barely meal , 1 tea spoonful of powdered lemon peel and half tea spoon of dry milk powder. Mix them well and store it in spice jar. Powder of orange peel well mixed in water can also applied 30 minutes before bath. This will whiten the dark skin if you apply them regularly. Citric acid in lemon can be the very effective in lightening the oily skin.  We recommend only the natural skin whitening products, please do not go for dangerous chemical contained skin whitening products. Read the side of skin whitening ingredients.

      How to apply the dark skin lightening powder? 
      Take 1 teaspoon of dark skin lightener powder with 4 spoon of warm water as required. Apply this paste all over the face and neck and gently massage it into the skin for about a minute. Please do not scrub, rise gently with warm water. The very important point is you should not let it dry.

      Natural Scrubs
      Facial scrubs keep your skin looking radiant by sloughing off old, dead skin cells and keeping the pores clean. Since the skin on your face is delicate it is important that you keep harsh chemicals away from it and use products that are formulated to work with your type of skin.
      Natural Scrub For Dry, Mature Skin:
      1/2 c organic coconut oil
      1 cup sugar
      a drop of rose otto essential oil
      You may want to let the coconut
      liquefy at room temperature for a while and then add the sugar. Allow to firm up. Use a tablespoon
      full and rub gently into your skin. Rinse with warm water.
      Natural Scrub for Oily Skin
      1/2 c almond oil
      1/2 c sea salt
      a squeeze of lemon juice
      Mix until a paste forms. Rub gently on skin. Rinse well with warm water.
      Body Scrub
      1/4 C Brown Sugar

      1 Tbs Dry Milk Powder
      2 Tbs Oatmeal
      1/2 tsp vanilla (just for scent)
      1/4 c coconut oil
      Mix into a paste. Use it to scrub your body to cookie scented smoothness.

      Masks For Dry Skin
      Masks are created to put on your face and then leave for a period of time. these are especially formulated to moisturize and protect dry skin.
      Pumpkin Mask:
      1/2 c pumpkin puree
      1/4 c coconut oil, softened
      2 Tbs honey
      2 Tbs cream (optional)
      Mix well. Spread on face and leave for 20 minutes. Wipe off with a warm, soft cloth.
      Avocado Mask
      warning: make this fresh each time..it discolors.
      2 Tbs avocado mashed
      1 Tbs coconut oil
      1 tsp cream
      Leave on face for 20-30 minutes. Wipe off with a warm , soft cloth.
      Banana Buttermilk Mask
      This one also discolors:
      2 Tbs mashed banana
      1 tsp honey
      1 Tbs whole buttermilk
      1 Tbs softened coconut oil
      Mix together and spread on face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

      Masks For Oily and Problem SkinStrawberry Refreshing Mask
      1/2 c strawberries mashed
      1 tbs honey
      1 -2 drops tea tree oil
      Spread on face. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water.
      Sage Rosemary Cleansing Mask
      1 tsp dried sage crumbled
      1 tsp dried rosemary crumbled
      1/4 c french green clay powder
      Mix together. When ready to use take a tablespoon or so of the powder and mix with enough water to make a thin paste and smooth over face. Let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse and dry.
      2 Tbs plain yogurt
      1 tsp lemon juice
      Spread on face. Let dry for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

      Hair Care Tips and Ayurveda


      Cutting down your extra calories in your daily diet and your way of life are two main factors that influence the health of your hair. Poor diet, ill health and shortage of any specific vitamin in your body affect the eminence of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning hair, going hairless, early graying etc, spoil your hair. Here are some Ayurvedic based tips for your healthy hair care….

      Ayurvedic Remedies for Dandruff:
      • Mix up a spoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil. Instead of coconut you can use neem oil otherwise. Keep this mixture in a air tight container, preferably a glass container and use this oil to massage your scalp before going to bed. Practice this continuously for at least 15 days and feel the difference of your healthy scalp. After 15 days do it for alternate days for the best of result.
      • Add a spoon of castor oil, mustard oil and little coconut (or neem) oil and massage your scalp every night and have a shampoo the day next.

      Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair loss:
      • Massage the scalp gently with coconut or almond oil daily for 10 to 15 minutes.
      • Boil neem leaves in water. Cool, strain and rinse hair with it.
      • Increase green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts in the diet. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, Soya beans, whole grains and nuts.

      Ayurvedic Remedies for Premature graying of Hair:
      • Apply a paste made from 2-Tsp. henna powder, 1-tsp. curd, 1-tsp. fenugreek seed powder, 1 tbsp. coffee, 2-tbsp. mint juice and 2-tbsp. basil juice. Apply this paste to the hair for two hours. For a darker color, leave this paste in for 3 to 4 hours. Wash hair with any natural shampoo.
      • Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1-teaspoon everyday.

      Ayurvedic Remedies for Itchy scalp:
      • Rub the scalp vigorously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation, and activates the sebaceous glands.
      • A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is good to drink to induce hair growth. The juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot, and lettuce juice is also good to take.
      • Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime- juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good.
      • Washing the hair with a paste of cooked Uraddal (black beans) and fenugreek (methi) 2-3 times a week.
      • A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair growth. A paste of seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.
      • Use Amla (embilica officinalis), Shikakai (Acacia concinna) for washing the hair.
      • Enhance oiling and massaging of scalp.
      • Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week.
      • Use medicated oils on the scalp and massage gently in the roots of the hair.
      • The diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A. 

      Hair Care - Prevent Hair Loss and Dandruff

      • Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to an egg. Beat well and apply on your hair followed by washing with a herbal shampoo.
      • Use a very mild shampoo and condition your hair at least twice a week. Make sure to rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.
      • Amla, shikaki powder mixed with curd is a good conditioner and should be made use of.
      • Massaging with aroma oils once a week reduces hairfall and makes them soft and silky. Rosemary oil and titri oil can also be used.
      • Mix curd, lemon and mustard oil, apply gently on hair and wash your head after about half an hour.
      • Add few leaves Hibiscus (China rose) to a glass of water. Heat it. The juice of a lime should be squeezed in the sieved mixture and it should be applied to the hair before shampooing.
      • Take amla (100gm), shikaki (100gm), brahmi booti (10gm), shilajit (1/2 gm), anaarchhilka (20gm), bhringraj (10 gm). Soak them overnight in an iron utensil. Blend and make a paste. Apply well into the scalp. Keep it for 1-2 hours and wash it off with warm water.
      • The oil from the amla, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is a hair tonic for enriching hair growth and prevent hair loss.
      • Use lavender or lemon shampoo if your hair are oily and if dry, use titri oil or rosemary shampoo too.
      • Rinse hair with lemon juice or vinegar
      • Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze lightly. Cover your hair with this for 10 minutes and do try this for almost a week.
      • Squeezed lemons can be soaked overnight and the water can then be used to clean the hair.
      • Dry peels of lemon and oranges should be used. This will maintain soft and silky hair and also removes dandruff from the scalp.
      • Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
      • Two tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked overnight in water. The softened seeds should be grounded into a fine paste in the morning and applied over the scalp & left for half an hour and then washed thoroughly. This is highly affective to remove dandruff.
      • Mustard oil boiled with heena (mehndi) leaves is useful for the healthy growth of hair.

      Head lice is most common in children and any child can get infected with lice due to head to head contact with our kids.
      Are you fed up of antilice treatment available in the market? Are you worried that repeated scratching of lice bites by your kid will cause further infection to his/her scalp and can be dangerous for your children’s health? Do you want to get rid of head lice? Are you looking out for some effective home remedies for resistant head lice? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. On this page, not only you will get solution to your questions above, but you will get to know everything about lice including what are lice? How lice infest our hair and signs and symptoms of head lice? How effective are allopathic antilice methods? How to Get Rid of Head Lice naturally? What are the effective home remedies for resistant head lice?

      What are Lice? - Signs and Symptoms of Head Lice
      Lice are small wingless insects that feed on human blood and love to live in hairy areas. Lice are not really dangerous but are annoying, irritating, and contagious. It is interesting to note that there are 3 types of lice that can live in a human body. These include head lice, pubic lice, and body lice. In medical terminology, lice are called pediculosis, an infestation of tiny blood-feeding insects. The lice start out as nits, then convert into lymph, and then grow into adult lice which are capable to reproduce again. The life cycle of lice lasts for approximately thirty days. If lice are kept away from human body, they can only live for 2 days. Pediculus capitis humanus is the most common type of lice which is the head lice and is most common among kids. In acute cases of head lice, infestation can be generally found in the scalp but in severe cases when left untreated, the infestation area gets bigger and can cover some parts of neck and face areas. One adult louse has 6 shaft-like legs that help in facilitating ease of movement and a better grasp on the hair. As you are aware, the most important symptom of head lice is when your child starts to violently scratch his/her head with both hands. Other symptoms and signs of severe head lice infestation include tiny red bite marks on the scalp and appearance of white nits in the hair and on the scalp.

      How lice infest our hair?
      Most people believe that lice come on their own in hairs but this is not true because head lice are contagious and come from head to head contact with a currently infected person. This is the reason why head lice are mostly seen in kids who join the school for the first time at 3 years of age. Our kid’s daily interaction with other kids in the school and head to head contact results in transfer of head lice from one kid to another. It is important to note that head lice not only transmit via head to head contact, but can also transmit to people using currently infected person’s towel, comb, or hat.

      Home remedies for Head Lice:
      • Change your shampoo and use the one that is made specially to kill head lice.
      • After removing the shampoo from the head apply some vinegar on your hair and leave it for about 3 to 4 minutes. Then dry your hair with towel. This way all the nits will get removed.
      • One more thing that you can do is to cut your hair very short, so that it becomes impossible for head lice to hide.
      • Using nit comb is very effective in removing the head lice. Combing wet hair with nit comb will remove almost all the head lice from your head.
      • It is better to clean the house very neatly. Clean the floor and furniture properly. Also change the bed covers and pillow covers often.
      • It is must to have a separate comb for each member of the family. Keep your comb and brushes clean.
      • Applying the onion juice over the head will also remove the head lice. For this purpose apply onion juice over head and do shampoo after four hours. Follow this remedy two times in a week. This is one of the very effective home remedies for head lice.
      • Custard apple along with its seed should be grinded together to make fine paste. Apply this paste on the head and keep it overnight. Cover the head with some cloth. Next day morning shampoo your hair. This remedy is also effective treatment for dandruff.
      • Applying tea tree oil over the head is also effective in removing the head lice. Apply oil and keep it overnight for better result in removing the lice.
      • Apply mayonnaise oil on the head and keep it for two hours, then wash it off.
      • Mixture of water and vinegar should be applied on head and keep overnight. Then wash it off. Do this remedy twice in a week.
      • Add few drops of baby oil in vinegar and apply on head, keep for one hour and then shampoo your head.
      • Take one bowl of butter and put few drops of lemon juice in it. Apply on the head and keep for about twenty minutes and then wash it off. One of the extremely effective home remedies for head lice.
      • Mash an apple and apply it to the head. Do head massage and wash it off after half an hour.
      • Paste of garlic and lemon juice should be applied to head for getting rid of head lice.

      Care which one should take to keep the lice away from the head-
      • Never share your towel and comb with anybody.
      • Keep cleaning your combs and hairbrushes in lukewarm soapy water with some antiseptic lotion in it. Do clean your combs every week by soaking them in the lukewarm water.
      • Always wash your hands before putting oil on your hair or before brushing the hair.
      • Never use someone else's pillow as pillow cover might have the lice or nits on it. Get your bedding cleaned regularly.
      • Never put dirty hands in your head. Stop your kids to touch their hair while eating food or playing outside.

      • If you have got the problem wash your head with medicated shampoo specifically meant for lice of the hair.

        Keep your skin looking beautiful

        Here are some suggestions to keep your skin looking beautiful

      • homemade masks Drink lot of water through the day, not only to replenish moisture lost to the heat and sweat but also to help flush toxins out of the body and keep skin looking clear and lustrous. Herb or spice teas, made with skin-enhancing ingredients, offer added therapeutic benefit. Choose cooling herbs and spices such as mint, cardamom and fennel.

      • Eat lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs, which supply the skin with essential nutrients and come with free-radical fighting antioxidant properties while they help keep your skin cool. Carrots, lettuce, summer squash such as zucchini, celery, asparagus and leafy greens are good vegetable choices. Sweet juicy fruits such as pears, grapes, watermelon and mangoes both nourish our skin faces a constant barrage of chemicals everyday from pollution to harsh chemically formulated products that strip the skin of its natural balance.

      • Milk is a cooling beverage that also supplies nutrients to your skin and helps to keep it from drying out. Drink a cup of milk every day, and also combine milk with ingredients like almond meal and rose water to make a balancing skin cleanser.

      • Get plenty of quality rest each night. Keep your bedroom cool, dark and comfortable and sleep on cotton or linen sheets. Get to bed early and awaken early for clear healthy skin and sparkling eyes.

      • When you feel stressed, angry or frustrated, your skin will show it over time as furrows and small lines and breakouts. Practice calming yoga poses or meditation to stay serene and help your body and mind manage stress. Use essential oils, such as rose, sandalwood and lavender to keep mind and heart balanced.

      • Keep your skin nourished with a herbal moisturizer. Look for ayurvedic formulations that contain skin-friendly herbs such as sandalwood, turmeric, brahmi, amla and aloe vera. At least once a week, treat yourself to a fruit or vegetable mask appropriate for your skin type. Cucumbers, avocados, apricots and papayas lend themselves well to homemade masks.

      • Use some fruit or vegetable and blend with some yogurt, honey, oatmeal and lemon juice or rosewater and apply evenly to the face. Let stay for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. It will make the skin shining.

      • Eyes and feet should be given extra care everyday. Splash lots of cool water on your eyes. Soak some cotton pads in cool water or rose water and place them over closed eyes for 10 minutes.

      •  Masks for dry skin

        Peach- Peach nourishes the skin with silicon and helps to restore cellulose.
        Make mashed potatoes (puree) of peach and milk. Brush your face; leave
        it for awhile. The result will leave you speechless!
        Eggplant - Cut
        the eggplant into thin strips and put them in the face for 10-15
        minutes. Cover the face with a paper towel to prevent drying too quickly
        vegetables. Such perfect moisturizing mask gives the skin and glow on
        your face.
        Potato - Dry and peeled skin will soften if you stretch
        the mask over raw potato grater than last. The nutritional substances
        soften their fortunes irritation and dryness.
        Pumpkin - Boil some
        pieces of pumpkin and make mashed potatoes by adding a tablespoon of
        olive oil. Apply the mask on your face and a few minutes rinse with warm
        Banana - Make mashed banana dissolving and adding a little
        milk. Brush your face. If you have oily skin, you can use the same mask;
        simply add extra two or three drops of lemon batter.

         Masks for oily skin
        - To create a mask from cabbage stir well this chopped vegetable with
        an egg. Apply to face and leave for half an hour. Also you can just wash
        your face with cabbage juice without added egg. This amazing vegetable
        has anti-inflammatory action. Even wounds will heal fortunes faster if
        you rub a sex cabbage.
        Tomato - sliced tomato spread on the face and
        leave for 20-30 minutes then rinse with warm water first and then with
        cold. This mask will shake the very open pores. Moreover the interior of
        tomato can be used as piling because it contains acids that will break
        the layer of dead skin cells.
        Apple - Cut apple slices into boiling
        milk, dilute it until a paste and spread on the face just a little cool.
        Such a mask will boost perfect skin. A variation : mix apple and egg
        Apricot - The apricot is good for all skin types, but to make
        nutritional mask for oily skin enough to make mixing two apricot purees
        with a tablespoon of sour milk.
        Carrot - In the battle against
        blackheads will help mask carrot. Skip the raw vegetables grater and
        spread evenly across the face.

         Masks for cleaning and whitening skin

        Cucumber- cucumber juice from ancient times is also known as bleach. With his
        help you get rid of freckles if you periodically wipe your face with
        cucumber slices. You can also create a whitening mask if you spend it on
        the vegetable grater, add a little sour milk and stretch the face.
        - Dissolve the strawberries and mix with equal quantity of milk. The
        mass lay face up and cover with a towel. Just rinse the mask would be
        good to stretch your face a nutritious cream.
        Berries - Dissolved berries or juice mix with equal quantity of potato starch and spread evenly to the face.
        • How to use properly -made masks
        - Before using any mask must have very good clean your skin. Certainly remove makeup and wipe your face with a cleansing lotion.
        Fruits and vegetables must be fresh and clean and it is good to have
        room temperature. You just put them briefly in hot water so it is not
        cold. Remember that a nutritious mask to act better when slightly warm.
        - Do not hold the physical masks more than 15-20 minutes a few exceptions.

        Tips for Weight Gain

        Why Normal Weight is Important?
        • Normal weight is important for proper immune system.
        • It will reduce the joint and bone problems.
        • No anemia.
        • Low weight people will have greater tendency for vattika disease.

        Causes of Underweight

        Ayurveda considers everything from the body type and kind of food you are eating to find out the specific problem.

        Less Calorie Intake

        Your body needs specific amount of calorie intake. If you are consuming less calorie than the required amount then you will face the problem of underweight. Inadequate calorie intake
        will lead to the problems of respiratory disorders, typhoid fever, cancer and circulatory disorders.

        Bad Eating Habits

        Bad eating habits also lead to underweight problems. Also if the metabolic rate is high then you will face this problem. Inadequate amount of meal and too much of bodily activity also causes weight loss.

        Metabolic Disturbances

         You may have overactive thyroid, hereditary tendencies, or any other chronic disease leading to metabolic disturbances. These can also be cause of weight loss or underweight problem.

        Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Gain

        • Increase the intake of dairy products like milk and cheese. But do not over eat anything as it will have    other harmful affects of high blood pressure and all
        • Eat food rich in ghee and butter.
        • Take afternoon sleep.
        • Try having the herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, aamlaki rtc. According to ayurveda these are good for undernourished people.
        • Keep your mind healthy and stay away from stress.
        • Eat 30 gm of raisins daily.
        • Eat muskmelon three times a day continuously for 40 days. For the first three days eat only three kilograms of muskmelon that should be increased by 1 Kg after that to subside the hunger. Try to have fresh and sweet fruit. But eat it in the season only.
        • Start taking Chyavanprash that is a one extensive herbal tonic. It increases the immune system and age.

        Home Remedies for Weight Gain
        • • Eat banana three time a day followed by milk of curd. You can also make the banana shake in milk to gain weight.
        • • Eat lots of fruit with milk.
        • • Take milk and boil it with almonds, anjeer and date palm. It will hep you in gaining weight.
        • • In summers you can drink mango shake in milk daily to gain weight. Also instead of this consume mango and drink milk after this. Mangoes contain too much sugar but without any protein. But milk on the other hand lots of protein and without sugar. So the combination of both will compliment each other.
        • • In case you are very thing eat figs that are excellent for weight gain. Take the dry figs and soak these in water. Take these twice a day.
        • • Certain nutrients have powerful effect on your nervous system making it calmer. Calmer the mind more will be the weight. The best nutrients for this are vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. For Vitamin D drink milk and take sun rays. Milk is again a great source of calcium along with yoghurt. Green leafy vegetables are good source of magnesium.
        • • Do not consume products that are made from white flour and sugar as these may harm your body adversely.

        Protecting the Skin from Sun


        Protecting the Skin from SunIt is vital to protect skin from sun especially in summers. The harmful ultraviolet rays can smash up the skin to the extent of causing skin cancer, prematurewrinkles or untimely aging skin. Few precautions can help the skin to stay away from sun like apply sunscreen, put on the antioxidant cream, massage with essential oil and wear the cotton clothes. Also eating salads and drinking water along with juices helps in protecting the skin from sunrays.

        Summer is back so is the hot scorching sun. In order to maintain the youthful skin for many years it is indispensable to protect skin from harmful ultraviolet rays emitted from sun. These rays adversely affect the skin all round the year but it turns more perilous in summers. Apart from the atrocious sunburn it can damage the skin forever through skin cancer, premature wrinkles and push one towards early aging. With the help of certain safety measures it is possible to protect the skin from sun and ward off its undesirable effects.

        Stay Away From Mid-Day Sun
        In summer days the sun is swelteringly hot between 10 am to 3pm. In this time duration sun is quite strong and does most of the damage to the skin. Thereby expose the body minimum in the sun around this time.

        Cover the Skin from Head to Toe
        Whenever stepping out of the home, office, friend̢۪s house or any other place cover the body as much as possible. To be precise, protect the eyes by wearing good sun glasses, take care of head by putting on light colored hat/cap or scarf, put on the gloves for covering the hands, sport long pants for legs and so on. The main goal should be not to leave the skin bare as far as possible.

        Be Dressed in Only Cotton Clothes
        Cotton and pure linen fabrics are ideal for summers as these absorbs the sun rays and keeps the skin protected. Other fabrics like synthetic, silk, denims and so on are absolute no because it would make the person sweat more.

        Single Out a Good Sunscreen
        Pick the sunscreen having 15 plus SPF for those having dusky or wheatish complexion while 30 plus is ideal for fair skin people. It must be ensured to apply sunscreen every two hours as SPF content does not provides the protective shield against sunrays for the entire day.

        Go For Antioxidant Cream
        Along with the sunscreen apply a good antioxidant cream having vitamin C or grape seed extraction as one of its ingredients. This gives the protection to the skin against harmful radiation which sometimes sunscreen fails to do so.

        Take Advantage of Essential Oil
        Every night before going to bed first clean the face thoroughly then after massage gently with 4-5 drops of any of the essential oil for instance lavender, rose, almond or olive oil etc. These oils have the ability to repair the damaged skin and keep the skin well moisturized. Put this as a regular practice because it is easy to have a daily repair than severe measure in future.

        Chomp Salads and Sip Juices
        Regularly take salads twice a day having lots of raw vegetables and fruits. Also drink juices, coconut water and plain water in sufficient quantity everyday. In summers liquid intake should always be more than full. This would keep skin constantly hydrated and make it tough to withstand the ruggedness of sun.

        Carry out these precautions without fail and prepare the skin to resist the blistering heat and atrocious radiations released by sun. Enjoy the summer to the fullest!

        Herbal summer facial in Home


        Herbal summer facial in Home

        Rub a rind of lemon over your face if you have an oily skin and this will reduce smear and whiten your complexion. To cleanse the face, soak a piece of cotton wool in uncoiled milk and rub the face with it gently from the chin, upwards to the forehead.

        Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with cream, sandal powder and Bengal gram    flour and  make into a paste and apply once a day for about half an hour before a bath, it will natural skin bleach effect.

        You have to draft and squeeze juice out of a small piece of watermelon for natural face mask. After applying it to your face you have to wait for about 15 minutes and then wash with hot water and splash on some cold water

        Summer Oily Skin Care
        Gentle rubbing of ice wrapped in cotton wool on the face is advised to close the pores  that are open. A mixture of glycerin, lime juice and sugar is perfect for removing dead skin from your face.

        Summer Facial
        Weekly application of a facial and daily application of a face pack is important. First you have to apply a paste of Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti) and rose water. After waiting for 15-20 minutes you have to rinse off with warm water. Read more facial mask recipes for summer

        How to Protect Skin from Sun
        It is vital to protect skin from sun especially in summers. The harmful ultraviolet rays can smash up the skin to the extent of causing skin cancer, premature wrinkles or untimely aging.

        How Can You Make Healthy Skin By Physical Exercises
        By slowing down the aging process the physical exercises on skin make you look younger and better. By supplying oxygen and nutrients to the skin, exercises firms and nourishes the skin.

        How to protect skin from summer using Herbal skin care Recipes
        A beautiful face has the power to win the hearts of millions as well as create history. Applying the herbal recipes on your skin make you youthful. You can easily apply on your face at your home.

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        How to Make Your Face With Oil Free
        Face make-up makes your face oily and clog when you are always sweating. You must buy "oil-free" and "non¬-clogging" make up