Teeth are the most priced possession of our face and one dazzling smile showing white teeth is enough to get all the attention. Because of this and to look good many people and celebrities go for the teeth whitening.
If your teeth are dull, yellow and stained then think of ayurvedic treatment that has no side affect and leads to the permanent whitening and strengthening of the teeth. Ayurvedic tips for teeth must be followed in routine to get the best teeth and forever. Also ayurvedic treatment will lead to the whole mouth care instead of just teeth.

These days many teeth whitening treatments in the form of ayurvedic paste, herbs, tooth powder are available. But along with this by making some changes in the diet will also lead to the whitening of teeth and so come under ayurvedic tips for teeth.

Popular Ayurvedic Herbs for Teeth Care

Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)

Since ages Indian have been using the neem or Margosa twig as a tooth brush to keep their teeth clean and strong. This is one of the best ayurvedic herbs known for curing any type dental problem. You can also apply neem oil as antiseptic against bad breath and microorganism.

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

Brush your teeth with the powder made from the leaves of Holy Basil. To make this dry the leaves of this herb under the Sun and ground it. Whitening of teeth is one thing that can be achieved from the Holy Basil. But along with this pyorrhea (bleeding in gums) can also be treated with holy basil.

Babul (Acacia arabica)

As per ayurveda babul's importance in tooth care in incomparable. Use the twig of babul plant as a tooth brush just like neem and feel the freshness for the whole day. Tannin in babul will help in the whitening of teeth.

Ayurvedic Tips for Teeth Care

  •  Mix mustard oil and salt. Apply this paste daily on your teeth with the help of your finger. This will cause the whitening and leads to the strengthening of your teeth.
  •  Make the paste of mustard oil and basil leaves. Daily brush your teeth with this. This is a very good ayurveda tips for teeth whitening.
  •  Rub your teeth with babul or neem twigs instead of brush in the morning. Rub these vigorously to remove any plaque.
  •  In diet make sure to have something bitter, astringent and pungent. This will not allow the plaque to accumulate on teeth that leads to many teeth problem.
  •  Eat less of chocolate and sugar content as sugar is harmful for teeth. If you are eating it then make sure to rinse your mouth properly so that no sugary content remains in your mouth and on teeth.
  •  Drink less tea and coffee to have white and strong teeth.
  •  Do not smoke.
  •  Do not eat paan or beetle leaf for long life of your teeth and yourself.

Herbal protection of tooth and gums:

Ayurveda suggests teeth as the subsidiary of bones. Teeth cavities and retreating gums secretly suggest the aggravation of vata in the skeletal system. To protect from a tooth decay traditional herbal
medicines were introduced from the old days.

Sesame seeds: Insufficiency of calcium causes tooth problems. Chewing of white sesame seeds that are rich in calcium every morning without brushing teeth prevents a number of teeth diseases. After chewing, teeth should be brushed without any toothpaste so that the sesame seeds’ residue is brushed every corner of the mouth thereby cleaning the teeth.

Sesame oil: After taking a mouthful of warm sesame oil, we must swish it from one side of the mouth to the other for around three minutes without swallowing it. After sputtering out the oil, we must rub the gums softly with our index finger. This is an outstanding herbal defensive measure against receding gums, cavities and tooth decay

Herbal Pack: A paste of two capsules of aloe with ¼ tsp of natural vitamin E
and 1 tsp of turmeric powder should be covered into gauze and folded gently into a pack. This pack should be placed in between teeth and wall of gums and kept there overnight. Turmeric powder is good for gums but as it stains easily, whitening toothpaste is necessary after this treatment.

Eucalyptus Oil: Since eucalyptus has many anti-bacterial properties, massage of gums with this oil helps in the overall development of the health of gums and teeth.

Tree tea oil: Rinse the mouth with a mixture of dilute tree tea oil and a glass of water without swallowing the same. This is highly beneficial for the gums and teeth. Other than this, brushing the teeth with a few drops of tree tea oil and using a cotton mop up to apply some tree tea oil
assist in the detaining of further teeth infection.

Essential Oil bearing plants: Many essential oilbearing plants like
peppermint, spearmint, fennel and cinnamon are useful in stimulating the
blood flow to gums. These are also anti-bacterial in nature, hence
helpful in checking tooth decay and diseased gums.

Healthy Diet: The best way to stop tooth decay and gum desease is by eliminating
any form of sugar in the diet. However, honey and fruit concentrate
are also highly refined sugar products and should be avoided.
Fresh seasonal fruits are the only best for a healthy tooth and gums.

Besides these herbs, Echinacia, Baptisea, Krameria, Oak Galls are also useful
herbs in treating tooth decay and gum infection.